Monday, October 24, 2005

Today I had a little extra time on my hands

So I decided to count something. Do you know that over the past 16 years I have changed roughly 8500 diapers! Believe me that is a low ball estimate too. That would be 8 kids (my 4 and my sisters 4 - 3 of which are 3 yo old triplets who I have cared for since the age of 12 weeks) and various others I have babysat throughout the years.
Good God I am tired of changing diapers. If I ever have another child, it's father will be doing all the diapering!


Blogger JoeBoy said...

My hat is off to you. That is alot of diapers. Your lyrics are good. I met John once at one of his shows in Ft. Worth. He sat and talked and I tried not to be a goober, but inside I am saying to myself "This is John Entwistle!!!!!" He was very kind and I have appreciated his music for so long. Even my X wife sent me an email for the loss of such a great musician in my life. The Who will go on and on. When all the members are no longer on this earth, their music still lives. It has influenced so many and is respected by so many. Anyway thanks for making me think about John this afternoon. TAKE a BREAK from diapers and write some more lyrics for us.

10/25/2005 2:46 PM  
Blogger JoeBoy said...

Thanks for posting on my Blog. I answered you there, but thought I would here also. I live about 90 miles North East of Dallas in Greenville. I also spend a bunch of time in Austin. I also go to my grandfather's old farm. It is my get away solitude place. It is outside Glen Rose Texas, and since nobody lives there anymore it is very serene.

10/27/2005 12:39 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Yeah, I've re-read this lyric several times, and think it is just fantastic - even sat and tried to put the words to music.

You have a gift Meg, please write more lyrics you are an excellent lyracist.

10/27/2005 1:34 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

Joeboy do you have any idea how nasty it would get around here if I took a break from changing diapers!!! Maybe I should write a song about that. I wish life was more like a dirty diaper actually, when you get a real stinker you just take it off and put on a clean one and all better!

Gary if you do I hope you will be willing to share it with me, in my head I hear angry music yet it is passionate along with sadness and confusion. That's pretty clear ins't it!!! ha ha ha. I will try to do my best. Thanks to both of you for all your support!


10/27/2005 2:29 PM  

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