Sunday, July 30, 2006

How I want to be loved!

Or should I say, how I deserve to be loved. Is it realistic to desire how to be loved? Is it realistic to want to feel love as it if was tangible, something to hold on to? By love, I mean relationship love, not unconditional love, yes, they are different. Unconditional love is so much less complicated in some ways. You love your child unconditionally, they may disappoint you but you deal with it and love them all the same. With relationship love it is so much different, there are insecurities, faith and trust thrown into the mix. You would think something as wonderful as love would just flow easily, just happen. Love is work, hard work and at this point in my life I have to wonder if love is so hard for me because it is inherently flawed from the beginning or if like anything else that is worth it, love takes a lot of energy to maintain and cultivate?

The burning question of the day!


Blogger PTfan said...

Oh Meg. Too much for my brain right now. Ugh. It's 1/4 to 2 in the morning, after our Who show. I haven't gotten to sleep yet but I should go now as I have to go to work early.

Night night.

9/13/2006 1:52 AM  
Blogger Alecia said...

I percieve love as a river runs ever-long and flowing... we just log jam it with the fears of our challenging life's experiences and judgments. It isn't until we feel a release in that structure of our creation that we can feel love flow more freely again.

So as you are - you will attract/create. This would be true in any exsisting relationships or those yet to be formed. The trick is to see yourself as the river and be the love that you are in all ways at all times, always standing for who you are.

May Love Reign-Oer You!

10/01/2006 5:15 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Those goddamned agendas get in the way of the flow. Maybe I'm just too romantic.

11/16/2006 10:30 AM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

HI Meg,

Just stopping by to wish you a Merry little Christmas and a wonderful New Year, full of HEALTH and LOVE!!


12/23/2006 5:45 PM  
Blogger Kid Ric said...

Here's wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Peace, love and light,

12/24/2006 11:42 AM  
Blogger PTfan said...

Hey. I havent' been around to people's blogs for a while, but the last time I was, this blog looked exactly the same! : )

2/17/2007 12:45 PM  
Blogger PTfan said...

My kids and my dog now have blogs.
Please check them out and leave comments. my kids really want comments.
Now please remember they are young. They have rules they have to follow and these blogs keep their identity anonymous! They are not allowed to say their names or their friends names. The can't say what city or state they live in. The cannot say what school they go to. But please check out their blogs and leave comments, even though you may not have much in common with them.
My daughter

My son

Our Dog

3/03/2007 3:48 PM  
Blogger PTfan said...

Hey Meg, this post is almost a year old. Are you going to keep this one going?

6/10/2007 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great your insight!


7/19/2007 1:10 AM  
Blogger ERIC said...

I ran from you but you were good toward me.

9/06/2010 11:14 PM  

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