A Reunion of Sorts

When I was a teenager I had an after school job at Burger King. This Burger King became the center of my social life. All the people who worked there became my friends and we worked and played together all the time. We all dated within the group, we went to each others proms, we got drunk together, most importantly we grew together. As these stories go we all moved on went to college, got jobs and grew apart. It is now 20 years later, so last night we all got together again to "catch up". Some of the people couldn't be there for what ever reason and they were missed but those who did make it had a wonderful time.
It is so amazing how these boys and girls turned into Dads and Moms with jobs and mortgages and all the responsibilities that "real life" brings. I walked into this room expecting to see so many familiar faces, some were, some had a lot less hair then I remember. In a vein, yet relieved sort of way I was happy to hear so many people say to me that I look exactly the same as I did when I was working the drive thru window! Funny even though so much time passed by being there made me feel young instead of old, weird! We talked about our families, you know the old conversation How many kids do you have, what do you do for a living? It is completely absurd to me that 20 years has passed so quickly. Fortunately, we all have plenty to show for it! On my way home, in my semi drunken state, I realized how lucky I am. I have 4 beautiful children and a husband who has finally realized that I am the best thing that has ever happened to him. I think it is a good night out when you come home and you are sure that you are one of the luckiest people on the planet. I took some pictures, if they come out and I can figure out how to post them I will.
That is excellent. To be so lucky and realize it is special.
Thanks for you kind comments.
You are welcome. Stop by any time.
Peace, love and light to you and yours.
No Summer, not all that thrilled about him seeing the light, I may be too little too late, only time will tell. I plan to have one hell of a good time in the mean time.
So thats the reward a guy gets for working at BK. I am polishing up my resume ASAP.
Oh Joe and that was early in the evening. You think us making him a "sandwich" was interesting. You should see when we served him a shake (Kodak wouldn't develop those pictures!) A fun time was had by all!
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