U2 Concert

Last month I logged my 20th U2 Show! Above are some photos my son took at the show, I thought he did a decent job! We had floor tickets so we were right in the thick of things, we were about 2 feet off the walk way on the outside of the inner circle!
I got into U2 directly because of the Who. A friend of mine at the time was a huge Who fan, she was older then me so she followed tours and had plenty of connections, she got me into a sound check in 1982 to meet the band. That is a story for another day! Anyway, she moved to London and got a pretty cool job doing promotions and worked with up and coming bands. She thus introduced me to U2! I have an open mind, I will give anything a listen! I listened, I liked and I stayed! I have seen U2 in a nightclub with 200 people and a Stadium with 100,000. They always manage to have the same energy no matter what kind of show they do. I hope you like the pictures!
Yeah, that's kind of how it happened for me. We had just moved from the UK to Fresno in central California, it was 1981. The music I had on local radio was Leonard Skynard, Led Zepelin and alike, although I have come to appreciate those bands since then, but at the time, it wasn't my cup of tea being fresh off the boat. Then, one day I heard "I Will Follow" on MTV and bought "Boy" based on that one listen, and bought every record thereafter. I've never seen them live, and would love to some day. It's a scene trying to get tickets these days, seems rediculously expensive. I loved that free show they did on MTV next to the bridge in New York. Did you see that? There were fans running next to the flat bed truck they were playing on, they even invited one fellow up to play drums. What showmen they are. My fave U2 is Unforgetable Fire.
Thanks for your post on my blog.
I saw U2 twice (both coasts) and they were great.
Hi Meg,
Good track record there, with the concerts. Myself have "only" 10 under my belt. I was a U2 fan originally, only later it became The Who. No direct influence though.
Lovely photos Meg!You mention that
you saw U2 in a venue with 200
people.That wasn't Irving Plaza
in NYC was it?
Thanks, no Mike I saw them at a club in Philadelphia. I can't rememeber what it was called, It is not longer there. I was 16 years old I believe! That was a banner concert year for me I saw the Who, Queen and U2. Overwhelming. No I was too young to travel to NY to see a show. My parents weren't as cool a parent as I am. They didn't drag me all over the place to see concerts like I do with my kids!
Sorry for advertising but thought you might be interested: put a U2 video on my blog, something that should be a treat for those who like U2: Street Mission from Irish TV in 1978. Should be quite a surprise for anyone who knows U2 only from 1980 onwards: the serious, slightly innocent Christian boys. This is quite something else.
I love how the audience sings along. Who shows and U2. The best live shows around.
I have to add Green Day to that list. I experienced them this year and let me tell you that was one hell of a show! I was truly exhausted at the end. My clothes were soaked with sweat, I don't think it was all mine either and my calves felt like they were going to explode from jumping up and down to the music all night! Billy Joe Armstrong has "that" power over a crowd, amazing!
Hi Meg,
yes, I was totally shocked when Pete wrote an additional message.
The music room is really cool, nice and big. We put wood laminate floor in the entire house ourselves. My brother in law is an electrician and he helped us a lot. Our little condo, we had a tiny 2nd bedroom as an office, and the guitars had to sit in cases because I was affraid I'd step on them.
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog.
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