Sunday, January 15, 2006

Turning 40

As I think of what I am going to write I obsessively keep checking my profile to see when my age turns from 39 to 40. When I see that then and only then will I know it is official! I don't feel 40, I have been told I don't look 40 and I am really not phased by the fact that I am turning 40, should I be? I am in pretty good shape nothing really hurts when I get out of bed, for the most part gravity has been kind to me. I keep telling myself that my mind is open and my kids aren't too embarrassed to be seen in public with me, yet!

So tell me why is it such a big deal to complete your 4th decade, especially for women? Fortunately for me and unfortunately for everyone else in my life I stopped mentally aging at around 26 and I still feel about that age. I love rock concerts, picking up guys in bars, I'm finishing college again and looking for a new career again, I would rather choke on my own tongue then live vicariously through my children, sounds about 26 to me! Yes, I have plenty of responsibility, for Christ sake I have a son who is closer to 26 then I am! I plan on embracing 40 with the tightest bear hug I can muster, the way I see it along with turning 40 comes nothing but possibility. I figure a 40 year old woman has a great deal of leeway as far as her behavior and I plan on cashing in on that as much as possible. I have read and been told by others all ready in the club that I am coming into my sexual prime, God help all of you!

I have given this a little thought and I have compiled a list of things I want to accomplish in my 40th year. This list is not set in stone, most likely I will not eliminate anything from it but as the year goes on I may be adding to it, who knows! Tell me if I missed anything!

This will be my last year as a tuition paying student (I vow always to be a student of life)

I will make money off of something I write/wrote.

I will have someone (preferably a male someone) do a body shot off of me.

I will go to church more often (I may need to)

I will take better car of my car.

I will see the Who as many times as my MasterCard will allow.

I will try to keep my mind open and my mouth shut! (biggest challenge)

Drink more water.

Obsess less, exercise more.

Be brutally honest

and finally have orgasms as often as possible.

Sounds like a plan to me, I think 40 is going to be fun!


Blogger ginab said...


Happy Fortieth Birthday! I'll clip the bell next month. Unreal.. .life. We are so much less dorky than our parents.

I am glad you visited my blog and I like your insight or your fortieth sense: I am picky about food, more than anything else. It's pickiness, indeed. And on exercise, I used a university gym, and I dreaded toning and sculpting alongside kids. Now, the Y, I enjoy. Everyone goes there. And there's the hope, like a carrot in front of me, that I'll find someone who offers ease into my life. Very tired of games. Very sick of attracting psychos. Each one makes me miss someone else more profoundly. I just will for a long time or I'll wake up and the human race will have undergone subliminal labadomies (you know what I mean); everyone will wake up more nice than they ever were. Men will be smarter. Women will be as smart. Everyone will agree. Even to fight.

I'm making no sense right now because I'm running late. Glad you stopped over. Congratulations on turning 40! Well much to look forward to.


Outspokeness, straight talk, direct lingo: we're good at that by now. Drinking more water is a good resolution, too. Not taking any shit is the most promising.

1/16/2006 11:30 AM  
Blogger Mike S said...

Happy birthdayt Meg!! Have a wonderful 40th year!!

1/19/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger Mike S said...


AOL is screwed up again.Work is
going well but I can't move a
muscle,lol.I applied for the
position at the JDCH with the link
that you sent.Hopefully they'll
contact me.I wonder if I should
go there in person and stalk them?

:O) Hope all is well.

1/21/2006 2:40 PM  
Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Meg, we must have communicated telepathically, because:
a)I was thinking about you, don't know why and BOOM! you commented on my blog


b)I'm turning forty this year as well and was thinking about the change of the profile page too. That's so weird!

No big plans like yours though, except the one about The Who!
If you come to London for the convention come and say hi :o)


1/22/2006 5:24 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

Dear Meg

Forty was great!
I gave birth to my youngest child that year.
Among other things.

I am now teetering upon the brink of 50.

I have people thinking I'm 35, so I guess I can't complain.

You will have a wonderful year - I just know it.

And Good Luck with your list!

Happy Birthday!

1/22/2006 7:35 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Hey Meg,
Turning forty is great. I did it four years ago.
Jump in, the water is fine!



1/26/2006 9:27 PM  
Blogger Mike S said...

Hi Meg,

Thank you for your kind words
and vote of confidence.I would
like to see you write more or
post more of your writings as
well.I have a Simon clips compile
up thanks to Marc and Alecia but
not sure if the links will work
for everyone.Let me know if you
can view it when you get some
spare time.Thanks! :O)

1/29/2006 11:59 AM  
Blogger Kid Ric said...

Hey Meg,

Happy birthday! 40 is an excellent age. You only get better from here on out.

Sounds like you have a plan. I like your last idea the best.

Peace, love and light,

2/14/2006 11:36 PM  

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